a group of people on a field

Our Facility

About Our Funeral Home & Cemetery

Northridge Woodhaven Funeral Home is located on the grounds of Northridge Woodhaven Cemetery.

Our funeral home is a peaceful sanctuary with tastefully decorated rooms to accommodate both large or small gatherings. On the 72 sprawling acres of our cemetery, you'll find a country pond overlooked by rolling hills and special gardens features such as the Veterans Memorial in the Garden of Honor, the Bible in the Garden of Devotion, and the statue of Christ in the Garden of Christus.

While the services of our combined funeral home and cemetery just make sense during a stressful time, Northridge Woodhaven Funeral Home is available to all families, regardless of their cemetery arrangements.

Northridge Woodhaven Funeral Home & Cemetery

ADDRESS: 6755 Highway 51 North, Millington, TN 38053

Schedule a Tour

We invite you to call us at 901-872-3375 to schedule a tour of our beautiful facilities.